☎ +237672683443 / +237695956270


☎ +237672683443 +237695956270

IRES Capacity Building

Adapted and Innovative Training for a Dynamic and Very Competitive Professional Environment


Our professionnal and work environnement nowadays has become highly competitive and very dynamic.

Institutions needs manpower with specific qualification/hight qualification to deliver hight quality standard of work standards

The bricklayer is judged by the wall


Provide high standards capacity Building so that IRES would individually be highly qualify and competent and also provide opportunities for exposure to various trainings environment worldwide

At an organisational level, IRES aims to deliver high quality standard of work to her clients and also have an online training platform to reach a larger audience.

Training Objectives for This Year

Modules to be completed by the end of this year:

  1. Research methodology
  2. Ethics in research- online courses
  3. Data collection and management
  4. Applied statistical methods
  5. Communication
    • Communication skills
    • Organizational communication
    • Scientific communication and appraisal
  6. Students (Masters and PHD)


By the end of this year, IRES expects to have highly competitive and very dynamic staff, workers and other professionals consisting of: Program and project officers, Data managers, Epidemiologist, Accountant, Data collectors and Students.

All have completed basic courses in line with the orgasation mission

All staff with specific job description have completed / validated courses related to their profiles.

Ongoing trainings:

Acadamy: Masters PHDs

Identification of training platform and networking:



A long way to go!!!