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KAP survey on young adults’ and adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health

In recent years there have been an improvement in the response HIV in West and Central Africa, yet it remains a public health priority that requires comprehensive and innovative solutions.

Also, there is rapid growth of adolescent and young adult (AYA) population in these regions most affected by HIV/STIs.

This project is conducted every five years by OCEAC, with the aim of: Assessing the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of young people and adolescents in the area of reproductive health, including HIV prevention, condom use and behavioural change factors in the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC)

The Main Objective is to develop a data collection plan and realize the KAP study in Cameroon

The Specific Objectives are:

Preliminary Results

For the recruitment and training of supervisors and data collectors

We recruited 6 supervisors from the six selected stratum which were; Douala, Yaoundé, Centre Region excluding Yaoundé, Far North Region, West Region Southwest Region

They were trained from the 24-25th March 2023 at the IREG’s office in Yaoundé

44 Data Collectors were recruited and trained from the 27th April – 31st May 2023, in their respective regions

Allocating per data collector and supervisor their working EA and target population.

To realized the FGD

The focus group discussion was carried from the 23-30th of June in all the stratum with the help of the supervisor as a the moderator, and a data collector as a reporter

To collect, manage and do preliminary analysis on the data

Below is the statistics of what we have achieved so far and we are set to meet with the targets by mid of this month.

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