☎ +237672683443 / +237695956270


☎ +237672683443 +237695956270

Vision and Mission


Zero inequalities in access to quality health care services in resource constrained and vulnerable communities.


Generating contextualized scientific evidence and innovation to inform public health policies and practices geared at increasing access to quality health care services.


  1. Implementation of basic and operational research with attention to innovative public health approaches.
  2. Promoting, enhancing and building research capacity.
  3. Implementing and advocating best practices and policies in public health.


Strategic area 1: Research programs

Support national HIV research priorities
  • Orientate research initiative
  • Pool research resources and provide mentorship
  • Identify funding opportunities
Track research evidence and inform stakeholders
  • Systematic reviews and meta analysis on key topics
  • Policy advocacy

Strategic area 2: Education and capacity building

  • Identify research training gaps and develop training modules that address gaps
  • Mentorship to young researchers (students and early career)
  • Pooled intellectual resources around the globe and build a center of excellence

Strategic area 3: Support

Macro level
  • Health system strengthening through promoting evidence based policy
  • Health professional capacity building
    - especially to periphery and end-line users
    - Translate, summarize and disseminate strategic documents
  • Pooled intellectual resources around the globe and build a center of excellence

Principles and Core Values

In fulfilling IRES’s challenging and ambitious mission, the values to be uphold include:

Excellence and professionalism:

  • deliver work of the highest quality and professional standards.
  • precise in articulating scientific understanding, including its uncertainties, and rigorous in ensuring that what is communicated reflects the best contemporary scientific findings.

Inclusivity and diversity:

  • IRES will promote access to science and its benefits for all, rejecting discrimination in all its forms.
  • It will include perspectives and approaches from all parts of the world.
  • Improve the participation of women and early career scientists.

Transparency and integrity:

  • IRES’s governance and decision-making processes will be openness and transparency, except where confidentiality is strictly required.
  • The actions of all those acting on its behalf must demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity.

Innovation and sustainability:

  • IRES will identify, attract and learn from new talent and new ideas.
  • It will stimulate new approaches, put forward new solutions and embed the principles of sustainability in its own policies and practices.