☎ +237 672683443 / +237695956270


☎ +237672683443 +237695956270

KAP survey on young adults’ and adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health

Training relating to a mixed study on the assessment of the knowledge, attitude and behavior of adolescence and young adults aged 15 to 24 on their sexual and reproductive health

Orphanage Risks and Needs Assessment (ORINA) in Cameroon

Orphanages have always played an important role in providing care and support to vulnerable children, though the risks they face and their particular needs are most of the time wrongly perceived by donors.

A call for application for Public Health/Research Intern at IRES

Cameroon is amongst the countries with the greatest burden of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Key population continue to have a disproportionately higher burden of HIV

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Evaluating The Feasibility And Acceptibility Of Long-Acting Prexposure Prophylaxis In Key Populations In Cameroon

Sub-Saharan Africa, remains the epicenter of HIV/AIDS which is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among young people and the predominant mode of transmission is through condomless sex.

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An Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Indicators Of The Fifth Phase Of The HIV/AIDS Prevention Project In Four CEMAC Countries

MDR-TB is defined as the Mycobacterium tuberculosis that is resistant to isoniazid and rifampicin, which is strongly related to previous TB disease and its treatment.

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Prevalence and Predictors of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis amongst Patients Newly Diagnosed with Pulmonary TB in Cameroon

IRES 2023 Activities

Closing the gap between diagnosis and treatment of multidrug resistant tuberculosis(MDRTB) :A Cost effectiveness analysis of a family centered approach in Cameroon

About 1.7 billion people were diagnosed with the Tuberculosis disease in 2018 (CDC 2022). However, MDR-TB can be treated using a second-line of drugs.
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Prevalence, Predictors and Characterisation of Rifampicin Resistant Tuberculosis amongst Patients newly Diagnosed with Pulmonary TB in Cameroon

Resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs has been increasing. Resistance is strongly associated to previous TB disease/treatment.
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IRES Capacity Building

Our professionnal/working environnement nowadays are Highly competitive and Very dynamic
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IRES Mid Term Evaluation and Planning Meeting of 8th July 2023

taking stock, sharing updates and forging ahead.
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Our Vision 2030

IRES has a vision of "zero inequalities in access to quality health care services in resource constrained and vulnerable communities". This vision is supported by a mission to continually generate ideas that will lead to informed decision and informed evidence, as well as policy to ensure that there is continuous change in terms of addressing the variants that continue to inhabit access to health care and health services.

Read IRES 2030 goals >>